Rafael Barrio

Rafael Barrio, Ph.D., joined the Institute of Physics at UNAM (México) in 1989 at the Department of Chemical Physics, and was appointed Adjunct Professor at LCE in 2002. He holds a Ph.D. (D. Phil) degree in Theoretical Physics from Oxford University , A MSc. In Theoretical Physics and A MSc. in Materials Science from U.N.A.M.

Research Activities

  1. Disordered Solids, Polymers, and Amorphous Solids, electronic and vibrational properties. Amorphous alloys, and Glasses.
  2. Processes of Solid growth, theoretical and numerical simulations.
  3. Metallurgy: Radiation damage, Phase transitions, Plastic deformation, Electron Microscopy, Metallography and X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction.
  4. Excitons in Ceramics, Electron-electron correlations and Superconductivity.
  5. Properties of Quasicrystalline networks.
  6. Dynamical Complex Systems, pattern formation using reaction-diffusion equations with applications to biological sytems
  7. Computational Methods.and large exponential networks.