1. Works should be unpublished and should be presented by maximum 5 authors. The topics of these works should be selected within the framework of the those of the convention or related to teaching and learning of Natural Sciences. For example: didactic proposals, results in educational research or didactic material design.

  2. Works must include a summary and an extensive description with the following formats:

  3. Summary. Maximum eight lines, ARIAL format, size 11, including the following data: Complete title (no abbreviations), complete name(s) of author(s), address, telephone number, and e-mail of author(s), area and educational level of the proposal, complete name and address of the institution where they work.

  4. Extensive description. Maximum four pages, ARIAL format, size 11, justified, 2 cm margin (both sides), 1.5 space between lines. It must include: Title (capital letters), complete name of author(s), name of speaker must be underlined, complete name and address of the institution where they work, objectives, introduction, development, conclusions and bibliography. Please do not include logos of institutions.

  5.  Works could be sent as follows:

    By e-mail:

    By registered post or courier company. The original work and a copy must be sent with no personal or institutional ID. The  title of the work must be included in capital letters, no logos of institutions included, a diskette or CD (labeled with the title of the work and the family name of each author), with the respective files according to requirements of point 2.

  6. Mailing address: Q. Norma Mónica López. Secretaría de Planeación e Informática, sótano del Edifico B, Facultad de Química, UNAM, circuito interior s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, 04510, México, D. F.

  7. The deadline for the reception of the works is September 12, 2008.


For further information please contact:
Alejandra Núñez López
telephone: (5255)5665 4910

